How to Remove Pet Odors in Your Home

How to Remove Pet Odors in Your Home

When you perform these procedures to remove odors from furniture, floors, and the air, no one will know you have a pet in the house. A few things are more terrible than returning home to the foul odor of… a dog? Litter box for cats? A cage for hamsters?...
How to Get Pet Stains Out of a Rug

How to Get Pet Stains Out of a Rug

You adore your animals. You adore your rugs. Unfortunately, there are times when they can’t get along. For dog and cat owners, understanding how to remove pet stains from carpet is a crucial skill. Here are a few of the most typical messes that your animals...
Do you have pet stains on your carpets?

Do you have pet stains on your carpets?

If you own a pet is is common for them to create stains on your carpets and furniture. We at Mike Bryan Carpet Cleaning specialize in pet stain removal. Be sure to contact us today so we can removal all your pet stains. Pet Stain Removal In Greenville SC