
It’s the season of giving! Are You Ready?

The holiday season is synonymous with delectable food and quality time spent with family. Some of us, unfortunately, associate the holidays with a lot of dishes, a busy schedule, and the need to host people. The holidays are a fantastic time to celebrate! Don’t let the chores of entertaining and cleaning keep you from having a good time.

Keep track of your chores using this list. If at all possible, have everyone in the family participate.

Don’t put it off any longer. You do not need to devote four or six hours to completing the task. To spread out the workload, clean your house in small chunks throughout the next few days.

Involve everyone in the family, including older children.

Begin with the entryways, foyer, and central closet area to make room for guest coats.

The next day, set aside some time to clean the restrooms, corridors, and seating areas.

Next, clean your visitors’ bedrooms and any other areas they may visit.

Get yourself a microfiber cloth and a mophead.

Cleaning Up After the Holidays

Because it’s the holiday season, there’s plenty of time to spend with family and friends. However, once the visitors have left, there is a lot of housekeeping to do. With these simple Christmas cleaning tips, you can give your home a new lease on life in time for the new year – or maybe just your next party!

Get rid of any unwanted items. The thought is what counts, so don’t let good intentions add to your post-holiday mess. If guests insist on bringing a gift, make it something tasty that everyone will enjoy. Otherwise, please return any undesirable gifts. If it is suitable, consider donating such items to a charity of your choice. Holiday cleaning will be lot easier without those extra objects.

Examine your holiday cards and make a note of who sent them to you. Use this as a thank-you list or the start of your next year’s Christmas card list. Then, cut the photographs from the adorable cards, tie them together, and use them as free gift tags. Throw away the ones you don’t want, and you’ll be well on your way to cleaning up after the party.

Make the guest room presentable. Wash the bedsheets in warm or hot water with a capful of white vinegar to keep them fresh. While the sheets are drying, use the upholstery attachment on your vacuum to clean the mattress well, paying close attention to the seams. Replace the bedding and fluff the cushions to make your next guests feel comfortable.

When it comes to removing the Christmas lights, one simple way will save you time the next year: Wrap light strings around a piece of cardboard or a paper towel tube to keep them organized and easy to unravel for the next season. This also keeps you from being the neighbor with string lights hung up outdoors on Valentine’s Day.

When will your garbage collection service pick up Christmas trees? Find out so you can put your tree at the curb when it’s time for it to be picked up. Cleaning up after your party will be much easier if you don’t have to worry about pine needles spreading throughout the house.

How to Get Your Home Ready for Holiday Guests

Guests and the holiday season are inextricably linked. Occasionally, unexpected guests emerge. It’s all part of the joy and excitement of the holiday season.

Everyone must contribute! Assign cleaning and decluttering responsibilities to the entire family in the kitchen. High-traffic, prominent locations should be prioritized.

Keep snacks on hand because it’s the holidays. What a treat to have cookie dough on hand to bake with! Fresh-baked cookies, with their beautiful aroma, are incredibly appealing.

Make sure the family is presentable. Who needs a new shirt? Which of these people has a stain on their pants? Who is still dressed in their pajamas? Nobody expects you to dress up for a drop-in, but a cap or ponytail holder can help with messy hair!

In the background, play some Christmas music.

I’m almost done. Finally, rapidly go through the house. Are clean hand towels and toilet paper available in the restrooms? Are there any messes or tripping hazards in the halls, such as children’s toys? Is your coffee table in order? Carry a laundry basket with you to quickly collect stray items, then keep the basket in a closet for later use. Finally, before the doorbell rings, double-check those cookies!