
Area rugs are common in every home because they make the space more comfortable and look nice. They, like any other piece of furniture or décor, require constant care and maintenance. While many people clean their own area rugs, they should be professionally cleaned at least once a year.

The truth is that doing something as involved as area rug cleaning yourself might backfire. Even if you’re used to cleaning rugs and carpets, the cleaning procedures and tools you’re using may not be adequate—and they certainly aren’t on par with those used by cleaning professionals.

Keep your area rugs looking attractive and lasting by having them professionally cleaned at least once a year. Here’s why:

Professional Cleaning

Area rugs are more fragile than other kinds of rugs, so you can’t clean them with regular cleaning products, methods, or chemicals. They require professional area rug cleaning according to their type, substance, and condition. DIY cleaning methods and store-bought rug cleaners may damage or ruin your rug.

To Protect Your Warranties

If you want to preserve your manufacturer’s warranty, you must get your area rugs professionally cleaned at least once a year. As previously said, because area rugs can be more sensitive than normal rugs, they must be cleaned with specific chemicals/cleaners and with sophisticated cleaning approaches—the kind that only technical knowledge and industry experience can supply. Most companies will void your warranty if you damage your carpeting by not cleaning it the right way.

To Safeguard Your Health

Dust, pet dander, and pollen can get stuck in your area rugs. This can cause asthma attacks and allergic rhinitis, among other health problems. Although cleaning slowly can assist in removing certain particles, there will be filth that your vacuum cannot reach. The dirt will eventually accumulate again, thereby making it a permanent health danger.

Recent research shows that rugs can be good for homes because they can help trap allergens. However, keep in mind that your rugs can only store so many allergens and dirt before they become filthy, which is a big no-no for any homeowner.

Dust mites and bed bugs are also easy to bring into your homes and, by extension, onto your area rugs. Save your pets—and your sanity—by having your rugs professionally cleaned.

To Remove Stubborn Stains and Dirt

Area rugs that kids or pets walk on a lot are especially likely to get dirty and stained. As a homeowner, you are aware that some stains are more difficult to remove than others. It can be more aggravating and annoying when the cloth is light in color, making the stains more visible.

If stains are allowed to stay for a long time, they may need a lot of work to get rid of. Even though that new and improved cleaning product advertised on TV may seem like a good idea, think about the harsh chemicals and ingredients it has. They could make a stain worse that a professional could have cleaned better.

To Preserve the Quality of Your Area Rug

Even if you vacuum and steam the rug, most of the dirt will be deeply embedded in the material, especially if you’ve had the rug for a while. Furthermore, because stains can be aggravating to remove, it can be tempting to utilize harsher procedures such as harsh solvents and vigorous cleaning with a stiff bristle brush. This can pull and stretch the material, causing more damage.

Whether you want to get your warranty coverage or you just want to clean your house thoroughly, look for reliable specialists to handle the cleaning for you. You won’t have to worry about persistent stains or rug damage with the services of industry professionals and skilled technicians. Sit back, relax, and let cleaning professionals take care of your area rug.